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Lady Lee Steere (1884-1979)

Bridget Yelverton Lee Steere was a force of nature in Western Australia. She achieved a lot in her life, and that included having five children.

The best find while researching her life was - a phenomenal, free resource of pretty much every Australian newspaper and magazine you might need. Incredible!

Coming a close second was The Australian Women's Register -which may sound ominous and mildly alarming, but it is a huge database of Australian women's lives that will certainly come in handy as I broach the lives of other antipodean Silver Fish recipients. A rather sad coda to this paragraph is that I tried contacting them, in the hope that they would add Lady Lee Steere to their database, but it seems they closed in 2020 due to lack of funds.

Another reason to keep plugging away at Wikipedia.

Photo credit:From "As I Remember Them" by Noel Stewart (1987)

Next up: Elsa Riepert - winner of both Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting's highest honour


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